Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Python function args

I rarely use anything beyond named parameters, but this post captures what you need to know.


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Formatting Output from MySQL prompt

I'm not the biggest fan of MySQL and on the occasions I do use it I always forgot how to get useful results from my queries. To get results paged to less and have them display vertically, you can do this

mysql> \P less
PAGER set to 'less'

mysql> select * from blahblah \G

Restore Mysql Database from the .frm .MYI and .MYD files

OK so you have a mysql database that you have recovered from a backup. However, whereas you would normally have a nice sql dump to deal with, on this occasion you only have the .frm .MYI and .MYD files. Can you rescue that table the client has deleted? Indeed you can!

#> cd [where you databases are kept, possibly /var/lib/mysql ]
#> mkdir [name of database to rescue]
copy the .frm .MYI and .MYD files into it.

make sure the permissions are ok. Something like this
#> chown -R mysql:mysql [dbname]
#> chmod -R 700 [dbname]

Now if you are lucky, you should be able to do this:-
#> mysql -u root databasename -e "SHOW TABLES;";
#> mysqldump -u root databasename tablename

Monday, 21 September 2009

Essential HPing3 and TCPDump

# Send 2 syn packets to port 80 on a host
hping3 -c 2 -S -p 80 example.com

# scan a some specfic ports on host
sudo hping3 -S example.com --scan 143,220,993,25,80

# capture packets on -ivenet0 interface, don't resolve addresses or port name (-nn) don't capture ssh traffic
tcpdump -ivenet0 -nn not tcp port 22

# the same as above but don't print minimal information (useful as a quick guide to see whats going over the wire)
tcpdump -ivenet0 -nn -q not tcp port 22

# specify a port and destination
tcpdump -ieth0 tcp port 443 and dst example.com

# capture all payload (-s0) and print it in ASCII format (-v -A)
tcpdump -ivenet0 -s0 -nn -v -A not tcp port 22

# dump all packets and payload to file
tcpdump -s0 -ieth0 port 80 -w localhostdump.pcap

Setting-up Pylons in 5 mins

Really just a recap of http://pylonshq.com/docs/en/0.9.7/gettingstarted/#installing

Here we go

#> wget http://www.pylonshq.com/download/0.9.7/go-pylons.py
#> python2.6 go-pylons.py mydevenv

Everytime we work on a virtual pylons installation run the following script

Create a new project
paster create -t pylons helloworld

Create a controller
#> paster controller hello

Fireup the webserver on localhost:5000
#> paster serve --reload development.ini

Building Python from Source

How easy it is to install python from source? Very.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python2.6/
make (took 4mins on my x86_64 dc)
make install