Monday, 1 June 2015

Ansible ad-hoc commands

Create an inventory file


Run a command on all hosts
ansible -i inventory_file all -m command -a "uptime"

This specifies the inventory file (-i) run on all hosts (all) and run the command module (runs a remote command) with the module argument uptime (-a)

Run a command on all hosts simpler
ansible -i inventory_file all  -a "uptime"

Same as above.  Notice that the module name was not specified as the command module is used by default

Run a command on hosts in group1 with sudo
ansible -i inventory_file group1 -s -K -a "service rsyslog status"

-s Use sudo
-K ask for the sudo password (can be omitted if not required)

Copy a file to all hosts
ansible -i inventory_file all -m copy -a "src=~/.vimrc dest=~"