Thursday, 1 October 2015

Getting Started With Ansible and Rackspace P1

The easiest way to play with an ansible module is from the command line.  This post demonstrates some of the Rackspace modules.

I started by creating my credentials file and setting the environmental RAX_CREDS_FILE to point to it.  As I was running pyrax from a Python virtual environment I also setup up the inventory and inventory file to point to a virtual environment.

Add a host key
ansible localhost -m rax_keypair -a "name=rs_kp public_key=/path/to/public_key region=LON" -c local -i inventory/ 
Worth noting that the path to the key will not expand ~ :(

Create a network
ansible localhost -m rax_network -a "region=LON label=alabel cidr=" -c local -i inventory/

Create a VM
ansible localhost -m rax -a "flavor=general1-1 image="3cdcd2cc-238c-4f42-a9f4-0a80de217f7a" group=management name=vpn key_name=rs_kp networks=management,public wait=yes region=LON" 

In this example 2 vm's are created with incrementing numbers i.e vpn01, vpn02

ansible localhost -m rax -a "flavor=general1-1 image="3cdcd2cc-238c-4f42-a9f4-0a80de217f7a" group=management key_name=rs_kp networks=management,public wait=yes region=LON count=2"

Add DNS Zone
ansible localhost -m rax_dns -a " region=LON" (email address is required)

Add DNS Record to Zone
ansible localhost -m rax_dns_record -a " data= type=A region=LON" 

Get facts about a host
ansible localhost -m rax_facts -a name="server01" region=LON"